Interpersonal Communication
Coaching & Mentoring
Understanding Style Differences
Conflict Resolution
Networking/Business Development
Ethical Leadership
Strategic Leadership
Financial Storytelling
Talent Management
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Professional Standards & Responsibilities
Conduct Beyond Reproach
Avoiding the Slippery Slope
Ethics in Ohio Tax Practice
The Value of Values for Accountants
Excel Fundamentals
Excel Intermediate
Excel Advanced
Microsoft 365
Financial Accounting & Reporting
Corporate Tax
Individual Tax
Donny Shimamoto, CPA, CITP, CGMA
Accounting Technology & Transformation
Tiffany Crosby, CPA, CGMA, MBA
Ethics, Culture, Leadership
Melisa Galasso, CPA, CGMA, CSP
Audit & Assurance
Chris Ortega, MBA
Finance Transformation
Mary Adams
Integrated Reporting & ESG
Marsha Huber, CPA
Critical Thinking, Ethics & Professional Standards
John Higgins, CPA, CITP
Excel, Power BI
John Sanchez
Financial Storytelling
Justin Breidenbach, CPA
Ethics & Professional Standards
Jim Lindell, CPA
Corporate Finance, Leadership, Strategy
Barbara Benton, CAE
Legislative & Regulatory Updates
我们通过消除个人购买的障碍,消除了职业发展的麻烦, 使您能够轻松地提高会计和财务人员的技能和技能. 这种创新的学习许可模式通过让您的团队访问引人入胜的内容世界来提高绩效, including the following:
Stay current on news, legislative issues, 新兴趋势和俄亥俄州特定的信息与这个精心策划的高水平的学习内容包.
随时学习所有核心能力的相关内容, including Ethics, Risk Management, Accounting & Finance, Technology, Leadership, and more!
在当今快节奏、数字化优先的商业环境中,道德培训至关重要. 我们为您的团队提供多种方法来提高他们的道德决策技能.
教练使个人参与以发现为基础的探究,从而激发创造性思维, elicits new insights, uncovers limiting behaviors, and increases individual accountability.
良好的沟通技巧是一个伟大领导者的标志,也是在商业世界取得成功的关键. 分享你的愿景和使命并激励他人采取行动需要有效的沟通技巧.
Customer service isn't a department, it's a mindset. Every interaction is a customer service moment. Ensure your organization's behaviors, strategies, and systems are aligned to deliver on your brand promise.
Congratulations on being promoted to a supervisory role! As you make the transition to your new role, 花时间学习成功所需的技能,并探索你目前在这些技能中的得分.
领导不是关于职位或头衔,而是关于影响力. 任何级别的任何人都可以影响他人,这是成功领导者的关键属性之一.